Saturday 27 April 2013

The Pickford Link

A search for Pickfords in Kerry led me to a Charles Pickford in Knappogue, Ballyduff. Websites also mentioned that Mary Pickford's ancestral home was in this area. More information could be found from staff at the North Kerry Museum, Ballyduff

No phone contact could be made with the Museum. I started to suspect it was closed down. I decided to drive there myself and was assured this was correct!
 On advice from the local post man I called into neighbouring houses to see if they knew anything about the museum. They affirmed it was shut down. I then asked if they knew where the Pickford home was and luckily the grandfather of the family was able to let me know that it was Boyles down the road. This very welcoming and friendly family led the way in their car and left me at the gates.

I was greated at the Boyle home by the daughter of the house, who was looking after her 90 year old father. He told me how Mary Pickford had arrived at his house one day. He was busy in the fields on the same day and so when called by his wife to come and talk to the visitor he declined. Little did he know that he had refused a meeting with the star Mary Pickford. He received a lot of mocking from the local village for this!

He continued to tell me how his family had married into the Pickfords. That the land he lived and worked on once belonged to a Charles Pickford. Charles died the year that he was born (1923). He noted that Mary Pickford had visited the local cemetry to find Charles' headstone but was unsuccessful. From previous searches I was concerned that there was no direct connection to be found between Charles and John Pickford Hennessey. The daughter of the house also supported this. She then stated that further research into the family tree had been undertaken by her brother and a local neighbour and this had provided the evidence needed. A phonecall was made to her brother who was working and I have stated intent to follow up with him next week.

On leaving the house the daughter approved photos could be taken of the old house on the land where Charles Pickford lived.

Research showed that Charles Pickford was born around the same time as John Pickford Hennessey. It could be possible that Elizabeth was related to George Pickford (Charles' father). The answer to this assumption will hopefully be found next week.

I have also become aware of a historian in the Listowel area who has undertaken research into the Hennessey family and has indicated that they lived in Glounaphuca. A dvd has been made in which this historian delivers a speech on same outside the ancestral home. A colleague who lives in Listowel is following this up for me. I hope to receive the DVD next week and/or else make direct contact with the historian.

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