Sunday 5 May 2013

Hennessey Home Listowel

Met with Vincent Carmody in Listowel today. He brought me to the site of the Hennesey home at Glounaphuca (Convent Street). The 1901 census shows a Michael Hennessey living here and a Thomas Hennessey living in 36 Upper William Street (formerly Pound Lane).

A quick search on the internet provided an image of what these houses have looked like in the past.
Convent Street leads onto Market Street seen here

In 1901 census there is another Michael Hennessey listed in Bridewell lane (next to the present Garda station). Patrick Hennessey had a public house at 49 Church Street. Fr Gaughan's book on Listowel states that a Julia Hennessey had a native school on Lower William street and later Market street but there is more of a probablity that she is related to the Patrick Hennessey's line (see marriage records).

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